registerScript(node => { // run the scripts if (isHtmlElement(node)) { updateLanguageDisplay(node) } }, "^/anime/[0-9]*$"); function updateLanguageDisplay(node) { const langPrefix = 'ep.lang.'; const dubSuffix = 'dub'; const subSuffix = 'sub'; const dubIcon = 'volume_up'; const subIcon = 'closed_caption'; const zeroWidthSpace = '​'; let listItems = document.querySelectorAll('md-list-item'); listItems.forEach(item => { // last column with flags let col = item.querySelector('h3.layout-align-end-center'); if (col.eaManipulated) { return; } let subs = []; let dubs = []; // find subs subCols = col.querySelectorAll('[ng-hide*="sub"]'); subCols.forEach(element => { let langAttr = element.attributes['ng-hide'].value; let lang = langAttr.substring(langAttr.indexOf(langPrefix) + langPrefix.length, langAttr.indexOf(subSuffix)); if (element.attributes['aria-hidden'].value == 'false') { subs.push(lang); } }); // find dubs dubCols = col.querySelectorAll('[ng-hide*="dub"]'); dubCols.forEach(element => { let langAttr = element.attributes['ng-hide'].value; let lang = langAttr.substring(langAttr.indexOf(langPrefix) + langPrefix.length, langAttr.indexOf(dubSuffix)); if (element.attributes['aria-hidden'].value == 'false') { dubs.push(lang); } }); // build output html let iconsRequired = true; let cols = []; // subs first; if (subs.length > 0) { let colDiv = document.createElement('div'); colDiv.setAttribute('layout', 'column'); colDiv.classList.add('layout-column'); // do we have dubs? if (dubs.length > 0) { let dubDiv = document.createElement('div'); dubDiv.setAttribute('layout', 'row'); dubDiv.setAttribute('layout-align', 'start center'); dubDiv.classList.add('layout-align-start-center', 'layout-row'); let dubIconDiv = document.createElement('i'); if (iconsRequired) { dubIconDiv.classList.add('material-icons', 'mr-3'); dubIconDiv.innerText = dubIcon; } // add dummy with 24px for correct presentation else { = '24px'; dubIconDiv.innerText = zeroWidthSpace; } dubDiv.appendChild(dubIconDiv); let japIcon = document.createElement('i'); japIcon.classList.add('flag', 'flag-jp'); dubDiv.appendChild(japIcon); colDiv.appendChild(dubDiv); } // do the subs let subDiv = document.createElement('div'); subDiv.setAttribute('layout', 'row'); subDiv.setAttribute('layout-align', 'start center'); subDiv.classList.add('layout-align-start-center', 'layout-row'); let subIconDiv = document.createElement('i'); if (iconsRequired) { subIconDiv.classList.add('material-icons', 'mr-3'); subIconDiv.innerText = subIcon; } // add dummy with 24px for correct presentation else { = '24px'; subIconDiv.innerText = zeroWidthSpace; } subDiv.appendChild(subIconDiv); subs.forEach(lang => { let langIcon = document.createElement('i'); langIcon.classList.add('flag', `flag-${lang}`); subDiv.appendChild(langIcon); }); colDiv.appendChild(subDiv); cols.push(colDiv); iconsRequired = false; } if (dubs > 0) { dubs.forEach(lang => { let colDiv = document.createElement('div'); colDiv.setAttribute('layout', 'column'); colDiv.classList.add('layout-column'); let dubDiv = document.createElement('div'); dubDiv.setAttribute('layout', 'row'); dubDiv.setAttribute('layout-align', 'start center'); dubDiv.classList.add('layout-align-start-center', 'layout-row'); let dubIconDiv = document.createElement('i'); if (iconsRequired) { dubIconDiv.classList.add('material-icons', 'mr-3'); dubIconDiv.innerText = dubIcon; } // add dummy with 24px for correct presentation else { = '24px'; dubIconDiv.innerText = zeroWidthSpace; } dubDiv.appendChild(dubIconDiv); let langIcon = document.createElement('i'); langIcon.classList.add('flag', `flag-${lang}`); dubDiv.appendChild(langIcon); colDiv.appendChild(dubDiv); // do we have subs? if (subs.length > 0) { let subDiv = document.createElement('div'); subDiv.setAttribute('layout', 'row'); subDiv.setAttribute('layout-align', 'start center'); subDiv.classList.add('layout-align-start-center', 'layout-row'); let subIconDiv = document.createElement('i'); if (iconsRequired) { subIconDiv.classList.add('material-icons', 'mr-3'); subIconDiv.innerText = subIcon; } // add dummy with 24px for correct presentation else { = '24px'; subIconDiv.innerText = zeroWidthSpace; } subDiv.appendChild(subIconDiv); colDiv.appendChild(subDiv); } cols.push(colDiv); iconsRequired = false; }); } col.innerHTML = ''; cols.forEach(div => { col.appendChild(div); }); col.eaManipulated = true; }); }