using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Discord; using Discord.Net; using DML.Application.Classes; using DML.Application.Dialogs; using LiteDB; using SweetLib.Utils; using SweetLib.Utils.Logger; using SweetLib.Utils.Logger.Memory; using static SweetLib.Utils.Logger.Logger; namespace DML.Application { public static class Core { internal static DiscordClient Client { get; set; } internal static LiteDatabase Database { get; set; } internal static Settings Settings { get; set; } internal static JobScheduler Scheduler { get; } = new JobScheduler(); internal static string DataDirectory => Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), @"Serraniel\Discord Media Loader"); public static async Task Run(string[] paramStrings) { try { Info("Starting up Discord Media Loader application..."); var useTrace = false; #if DEBUG //temporary add debug log level if debugging... GlobalLogLevel |= LogLevel.Debug; Debug("Running in debug configuartion. Added log level debug."); #endif Debug($"Parameters: {string.Join(", ", paramStrings)}"); if (paramStrings.Contains("--trace") || paramStrings.Contains("-t")) { useTrace = true; GlobalLogLevel |= LogLevel.Trace; Trace("Trace parameter found. Added log level trace."); } Debug($"Application data folder: {DataDirectory}"); Trace("Checking application data folder..."); if (!Directory.Exists(DataDirectory)) { Debug("Creating application data folder..."); Directory.CreateDirectory(DataDirectory); Trace("Creating application data folder."); } Trace("Initializing profile optimizations..."); ProfileOptimization.SetProfileRoot(System.Windows.Forms.Application.UserAppDataPath); ProfileOptimization.StartProfile("profile.opt"); Trace("Finished initializing profile optimizations."); Trace("Trying to identify log memory..."); var logMemory = DefaultLogMemory as ArchivableConsoleLogMemory; if (logMemory != null) { var logFolder = Path.Combine(DataDirectory, "logs"); if (!Directory.Exists(logFolder)) { Debug("Creating log folder..."); Directory.CreateDirectory(logFolder); Trace("Created log folder."); } var logFile = Path.Combine(logFolder, SweetUtils.LegalizeFilename($"{DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.SortableDateTimePattern)}")); Trace($"Setting log file: {logFile}"); logMemory.AutoArchiveOnDispose = true; logMemory.ArchiveFile = logFile; } Debug("Loading database..."); Database = new LiteDatabase(Path.Combine(DataDirectory, "config.db")); Database.Log.Logging += (message) => Trace($"LiteDB: {message}"); Debug("Loading settings collection out of database..."); var settingsDB = Database.GetCollection("settings"); if (settingsDB.Count() > 1) { Warn("Found more than one setting. Loading first one..."); } Settings = settingsDB.FindAll().FirstOrDefault(); if (Settings == null) { Warn("Settings not found. Creating new one. This is normal on first start up..."); Settings = new Settings(); Settings.Store(); } Debug("Loading jobs collection out of database..."); Scheduler.JobList = Job.RestoreJobs().ToList(); Info("Loaded settings."); Debug( $"Settings: Email: {Settings.Email}, password: {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Password) ? "not set" : "is set")}, use username: {Settings.UseUserData}, loginToken: {Settings.LoginToken}"); Trace("Updating log level..."); GlobalLogLevel = Settings.ApplicactionLogLevel; #if DEBUG //temporary add debug log level if debugging... GlobalLogLevel |= LogLevel.Debug; Debug("Running in debug configuartion. Added log level debug."); #endif if (useTrace) { GlobalLogLevel |= LogLevel.Trace; Trace("Creating application data folder."); } Debug("Creating discord client..."); Client = new DiscordClient(); Client.Log.Message += (sender, message) => { var logMessage = $"DiscordClient: {message.Message}"; switch (message.Severity) { case LogSeverity.Verbose: Trace(logMessage); break; case LogSeverity.Debug: Trace(logMessage); break; case LogSeverity.Info: Info(logMessage); break; case LogSeverity.Warning: Warn(logMessage); break; case LogSeverity.Error: Error(logMessage); break; } }; Info("Trying to log into discord..."); var abort = false; while (Client.State != ConnectionState.Connected && !abort) { Trace("Entering login loop."); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.LoginToken)) { Debug("Trying to login with last known token..."); await Client.Connect(Settings.LoginToken, TokenType.User); } if (Client.State != ConnectionState.Connected && Settings.UseUserData && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Email) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Password)) { Settings.LoginToken = string.Empty; Debug("Trying to login with email and password..."); await Client.Connect(Settings.Email, Settings.Password); } } catch (HttpException) { Warn("Login seems to have failed or gone wrong."); } if (Client.State != ConnectionState.Connected) { Settings.Password = string.Empty; Debug("Showing dialog for username and password..."); var loginDlg = new LoginDialog(); loginDlg.ShowDialog(); Trace("Dialog closed."); } } Info("Starting scheduler..."); Scheduler.Start(); System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new MainForm()); Info("Stopping scheduler..."); Scheduler.Stop(); } catch (Exception ex) { Error($"{ex.Message} occured at: {ex.StackTrace}"); } } } }