DiscordMediaLoader/Discord Media Loader.Application/Classes/Job.cs
Serraniel ef21b6ed05 Fixed an error which caused null pointer exceptions in discord framework and interrupted the scanning queue permanently
Changed message count to acutally count scanned messages even if they already have scanned before
2018-01-22 20:08:08 +01:00

190 lines
6.3 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using DML.Application.Classes;
using DML.Client;
using SweetLib.Utils;
using static SweetLib.Utils.Logger.Logger;
namespace DML.AppCore.Classes
public class Job
public int Id { get; set; }
public ulong GuildId { get; set; }
public ulong ChannelId { get; set; }
public double KnownTimestamp { get; set; } = 0;
private double StopTimestamp { get; set; } = 0;
private bool IsValid { get; set; } = true;
internal void Store()
Debug("Storing job to database...");
Trace("Getting jobs collection...");
var jobDb = Core.Database.GetCollection<Job>("jobs");
Trace("Adding new value...");
if (jobDb.Find(x => x.ChannelId == ChannelId && x.GuildId == GuildId).Any())
public void Delete()
Debug("Deleting job from database...");
Trace("Getting jobs collection...");
var jobDb = Core.Database.GetCollection<Job>("jobs");
Trace("Deleting value...");
private SocketGuild FindServerById(ulong id)
Trace($"Trying to find server by Id: {id}");
return (from s in DMLClient.Client.Guilds where s.Id == id select s).FirstOrDefault();
private SocketTextChannel FindChannelById(SocketGuild server, ulong id)
Trace($"Trying to find channel in {server} by id: {id}");
return (from c in server.TextChannels where c.Id == id select c).FirstOrDefault();
internal async Task<List<IMessage>> Scan()
Debug($"Starting scan of guild {GuildId} channel {ChannelId}...");
var result = new List<IMessage>();
var limit = 100;
var lastId = ulong.MaxValue;
var isFirst = true;
var finished = false;
var guild = FindServerById(GuildId);
var channel = FindChannelById(guild, ChannelId);
Debug("Checking channel access");
if (channel.GetUser(channel.Guild.CurrentUser.Id) == null)
Info("Skipping channel without access");
return result;
if (Math.Abs(StopTimestamp) < 0.4)
StopTimestamp = KnownTimestamp;
Trace("Initialized scanning parameters.");
while (!finished)
Trace("Entering scanning loop...");
var messages = new List<IMessage>();
Trace($"Downloading next {limit} messages...");
if (isFirst)
//messages = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(limit).ToArray() as SocketMessage[];
var realMessages = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(limit).ToArray();
foreach (var realMessageArray in realMessages)
foreach (var realMessage in realMessageArray)
var realMessages = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(lastId, Direction.Before, limit).ToArray();
foreach (var realMessageArray in realMessages)
foreach (var realMessage in realMessageArray)
//messages = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(lastId, Direction.Before, limit).ToArray() as SocketMessage[];
Trace($"Downloaded {messages.Count} messages.");
isFirst = false;
foreach (var m in messages)
if (!IsValid)
return null;
Debug($"Processing message {m.Id}");
if (m.Id < lastId)
Trace($"Updating lastId ({lastId}) to {m.Id}");
lastId = m.Id;
if (SweetUtils.DateTimeToUnixTimeStamp(m.CreatedAt.UtcDateTime) <= StopTimestamp)
Debug("Found a message with a known timestamp...Stopping scan.");
finished = true;
Trace($"Message {m.Id} has {m.Attachments.Count} attachments.");
if (m.Attachments.Count > 0)
Core.Scheduler.TotalAttachments += (ulong)m.Attachments.Count;
Trace($"Added message {m.Id}");
Debug($"Finished message {m.Id}");
finished = finished || messages.Count < limit;
Trace($"Downloaded all messages for guild {GuildId} channel {ChannelId}.");
Trace("Sorting messages...");
result.Sort((a, b) => DateTime.Compare(a.CreatedAt.UtcDateTime, b.CreatedAt.UtcDateTime));
if (result.Count > 0)
Trace("Updating StopTimestamp for next scan...");
StopTimestamp = SweetUtils.DateTimeToUnixTimeStamp(result[result.Count - 1].CreatedAt.UtcDateTime);
Debug($"Fisnished scan of guild {GuildId} channel {ChannelId}.");
return result;
public void Stop()
IsValid = false;
public static IEnumerable<Job> RestoreJobs()
Debug("Restoring jobs...");
Trace("Getting jobs collection...");
var jobDb = Core.Database.GetCollection<Job>("jobs");
Trace("Creating new empty job list");
return jobDb.FindAll();