SweetLib Exception thrown by . Creates a new . Creates a new . Exception message. Implementation of an interface which stores the data inside an ini file. Ini file path. Creates a new instance of with a specified file name. The file name of the ini file. Interface, which provides several methods to store simple data. Reads a string value. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. Default value, if this value does not exist. Value of the in . Reads an integer value. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. Default value, if this value does not exist. Value of the in . Reads a bool value. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. Default value, if this value does not exist. Value of the in . Checks, if a key exists inside a section. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. True, if is found inside . Writes a string value. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. Value to be stored. Writes an integer value. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. Value to be stored. Writes a bool value. Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key of the stored data. Value to be stored. Deletes a key inside a . Represents the section in which the data is stored. Represents the key to be deleted. Deletes a section with all its keys. Represents the section to be deleted. Implementation of an interface which stores the data inside the registry. Sections will be interpreted as subkeys on registry level. The base registry key in which will be operated. Creates a new instance of with a specified application name. The applications base name. This will be used as name for a sub key inside the software key below the base key. This will use current user as the base key. Creates a new instance of with a specified application name. Provide a key of , e.G. Registry.CurrentUser. The applications base name. This will be used as name for a sub key inside the software key below the base key. Defines extensions to some general classes. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Using for converting. Converts a value into a byte array. Value to convert. Byte array representation of the value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Using for converting. Converts a byte array into a type. Byte array representation to convert. Converted value. Defines extensions to classes which are related to . Converts a into an Unix timestamp. to convert into Unix timestamp. Converted Unix timestamp. Converts an Unix timestamp into a . Unix timestamp to convert. Converted . Enum which contains the several log levels. Global logger class providing several methods to log events by the application. As a will be used. You can change this to any other implementation at any time while runtime. Default log levels are set as bitflags in . The global log level. Only messages with the set will be procedered. The default which will be used for any logging action, if no custom is set as parameter. Will log a message into the global . The log level of this message. The message to log. Will log a message into the provided . The log level of this message. /// The message to log. The to store the into. Will log a message into the provided . A object to store. The to store the into. In general use cases you should either use one of the or methods which will generate a call to this method. Will log a message with the log level. Message to log. Will log a message with the log level. Message to log. Will log a message with the log level. Message to log. Will log a message with the log level. Message to log. Will log a message with the log level. Message to log. Interface for a class to store and proceed objects. Adds a into the . to be stored. Removes a from the . to be removed. This might not have any effect depending on the implementation. Saves all remembered objects into a persistent file. File name to store the objects. contains all event log data which should be logged in as a single log message. The of this event log. The message of this event log. The date and time of this event log. Creates a new instance. will be the . The log level of this event log. The message of this event log. Creates a new instance. The log level of this event log. The message of this event log. The of this event log. Generates a formatted of this event log. will be used to format this event log. A formated of this event log. Generates a formatted of this event log with a given format. The format to be used. See for more format information. Optional, an interface to be used while formatting if needed. A formated of this event log. A which is used to format objects. This class implements a singleton pattern. Accesses the global instance of the . The default format string which is used to format objects, if no custom format string is provided. Formats a object. The format string. If , will be used. The object to be formatted. Optional, an interface to be used while formatting if needed. A formatted of the . If is not a object, it will either be returned the formatted string implemented by the type of , if is implemented by it, or the result." A generic class containing useful methods. Legalizes a file name with the character. File name to legalize. Legalized file name. Legalizes a file name by a given replace character. File name to legalize. Character to be used as replace character. Legalized file name.