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Card Class

Represents a card object from the web api.

public class Card

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 Card

Artist The card art's artist.
CardUrl The URL which leads to the original card URL data.
ConvertedRetreatCost The total number of energies needed to retreat.
EvolvesFrom If the card evolves from another card, this field will denote the name of the pre-evolution.
Hp The amount of HP the card has.
Id The internal identification number that the card is given. Used to query for this single card.
ImageUrl The url pointing to the card's image.
Name The name of the card.
Number The sequential number of the card (applicable to Secret Rares).
Prices A list of known prices for this card.
PrintedNumber The number printed on the card. Will be the same as Number almost always. Is relevant for
promotional cards, such as SWSH001.
Rarity The rarity of the card.
RetreatCosts List of the energies required to retreat.
Rules Describes rules the card is bound to. Mainly for cards with a rule box and certain Trainers.
Set Reduced information about the set the card belongs to.
Subtypes The subsets that the card falls into. For example 'Single Strike Pokemon', 'Pokemon VMAX', etc.
Supertype The supertype the card is.
Types The energy type of types the card is.
Uuid A stable id for earch card. Output is an eight digit integer which is unique for each card. While the cards'
Id may change over time, the uuid should always remain stable and constant.